Email Marketing Portfolio

This portfolio page showcases a my ability to craft compelling email marketing campaigns to engage customers, and drive interested subscribers to take action on offers and move them further in the customer journey experience and increase customer lifetime value.



  • Deliver helpful information at the right stage of a customer’s/lead’s journey. 
  • Maintain contact with leads to aid in the success of at-home consultation bookings.
  •  Alert leads of industry news in effort to be viewed as an authority in the field. 
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  • Update subscribers of offers. 
  • Inform subscribers of at store events.
  • Provide helpful tips on flower care.

Just Ride L.A.


  • Update subscribers on new products.
  • Share sale offers, store events, and meet-up information.
  • Provide helpful tips on bike maintenance 
  • Send birthday greetings with a limited discount code.

Each project featured here represents a unique challenge met and a goal achieved. From delivering the right message and offer for the recipient at the right stage in their journey, to tracking results and increasing customer lifecycle. I’ve used a variety of tools and techniques to improve email deliver and email campaign success.

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